Electric scooters are a fun, fast, and convenient way to travel through your local area. However, like other personal mobility devices, they come with safety risks. So, are they safe? Find out in this post.

Are Electric Scooters Street Legal?
Electric scooters, or e-scooters have become a bit of a phenomenon, and many people have chosen to ride them to get around town, rather than using public transport, ridesharing, or driving a car.
Whether or not electric scooters are street legal depends on the state or country regulations. Some regulations are not complete with regards to electric scooters. However, bycicle or motorcycle laws may still apply to their use.
Electric scooters are considered street legal in most places. However, you must first check with your state or municipality traffic laws to make sure. If your city or state does not have any clear electric scooter laws or regulations, it may mean you are free to ride them wherever you like responsibly.
Electric Scooter Registration Or Licenses
Electric scooters do not likely require any form of registration or driver’s license to ride. However, this depends on the region and the regulations could change or be updated. If your state or city requires a drivers license, not having one could result in a fine if you ride an electric scooter in city limits.
Insurance is also not required but a rider can pursue this with an insurance company if they’d like.
Electric Scooters Traffic Laws
Riding Electric Scooters On ‘Highways’
Highways are considered more than just freeways, but also roadways and pathways that have road traffic. Electric scooters are mostly banned on highways, especially roads where the minimum speed limit is 25 mph.
One-way bikeways do allow electric scooters, but only at a maximum speed of 15 mph.
Some states that do not allow electric scooters on public streets include:
- Washington
- Arizona
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- New Jersey
- Idaho
- Wisconsin
States that allow electric scooters on public streets include:
- Colorado
- California
- Connecticut
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- New York
New laws have been enacted in some jurisdictions on the ways electric scooters can be ridden on public roads. These include:
- Maximum allowable speed
- Registration and title
- Helmet and safety gear requirements
- Age limits
- License and insurance requirements
Not following these may result in fines or penalties, so it is recommended to check with your state or local authority regarding any e-scooter regulations. Many laws are focused mostly on safety and limiting any type of accident that may occur between the rider and pedestrians or other motor vehicles.
States will allow individual cities to decide how they want to treet electric scooters. Some cities, such as San Francisco CA, or Austin, TX embrace electric scooters, them while others do not pay much attention or limit them.
Many cities regard them as on par with bycicles and have similar laws. Electric scooters may be limited to specially designed paths for bikes and on the side of the road.
Electric Scooter Safety Tips
xxxxExlectric scooters and road hand signals
Wxhen you are on the road with your electric scooter on, it’s advisable to communicate to other motorists that are around you. To ensure this, you need to mount a signal on your handlebar. Such signs are similar to those that are mounted on the motorcycle. The signal blinks especially when the rider flips a switch.
Txo learn more about turn signals for scooters, do some research online. You will come across various turn signals models that go as low as $15 and easy to install.
xt’s advisable to note that not all turn signals are helpful and useful. Some are incredibly cheap tend to become faulty within a short time.
Are Electric Scooters Dangerous?
While electric scooters are definately a quick and convenient way to get from place to place, it does not mean they are safe. If fact, they are likely more dangerous than walking or riding a bike. Because of their higher speeds, riders are at risk of serious falls and injuries.
Riding electric scooters in traffic filled areas (cars, bikes, or pedestrians) increases safety risks. Many riders push their e-scooters too hard while near fast moving vehicular traffic, underestimating the dangers.
Many riders do not wear helmets or safety gear, and are often under the age of 18 years old.
Not Wearing A Helmet
It comes as no big surprise that the greatest risk is to the rider’s head from a collision or fall. Many riders, especially younger ones may skip the helmet just to save time. To increase helmet wearing, many electric scooter manufacturers include helmets with their product.
Dangers Of Riding Electric Scooters On Sidewalks
Riding an electric scooter on a sidewalk is definately safer than in the middle of a street filled with cars. However, this creates a danger for pedestrians who may be hit by a person riding one. Many e-scooter riders do not head speed and safety considerations and put themselves and others at risk.
Lack of Rider Experience
Riders just learning to use electric scooters are more prone to accident or injury and need to be a bit more cautious. It is recommended to stay away from other vehicles or pedestrians while learning how to ride until they feel comfortable enough with the scooter.
Risky Behavior From The Rider
Many inexperienced e-scooter riders are at risk of accidents or injuries simply due to lack of skill or knowledge on how to navigate city streets safely. However, some people are reckless and ride while intoxicated or try to push the scooter to its limits around pedestrians and other vehicles. This is a recipe for an accident.
Poor Visibility From Other Motorists
Since electric scooters are small and nimble, other motorists may not be able to see them well enough to avoid a collision. By wearing reflective safety gear, electric scooter riders can minimize this risk.
Road Hazards
Roadways are rarely perfectly smoothe and flat, and often have damaged areas such as potholes, cracks, or uneven surfaces. Debris such as sticks, rocks, trash or other junk could be laying in front of a rider. This could possibly cause the rider to lose control while trying to avoid them.
Pedestrians Risks
Sidewalks and pathways are where pedestrians travel, and this puts them at risk of collision with an electric scooter. The biggest risk to pedestrians is motorized vehicles, such as cars and buses, and so they often do not pay as much attention to bikes, skateboards, or scooters. This can lead to an accident and injuries if they are not careful.
When riding an electric scooter on a sidewalk or street, it is recommended to let the pedestrians have the right of way to pass.
Electric Scooter Injuires
Injuries a rider or pedestrian can sustain from an electric scooter are numerous. Some of these include:
- Bone fractures
- Brain and head injuries
- Back injuries
- Cuts, scrapes, and bruises
- Face impacts
- Death
- Body part dislocation
To avoid injury, riders should always wear protective gear, especially helmets.
Are Electric Scooters Legal On Sidewalks?
Some municipalities do not allow electric scooters on sidewalks, while others do. Before riding one, make sure to check with your city’s transporation department regarding if they are allowed. If not, this is due to safety issues with regards to riders and pedestrians.
Electric scooters are most likely allowed on flat pavement or an the sides of roads. Electric scooters are not as fast as motorcycles, so are possibly allowed more leway as to where they can be ridden. Usually, the speed is set at 25 mph or less on pathways.
States that do not allow electric scooters on sidewalks include:
- California
- Texas (in some places)
- Washington
States where electric scooters are allowed on sidewalks include:
- Texas (in some places)
- Colorado
To find out if your city or state allows electric scooters on sidewalks, visit the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles website and look through the local municipal laws. Breaking an electric scooter law can result in a fine, some of which are in the hundreds of dollars.
Are Razor Electric Scooters Street Legal?
Yes, certain Razor e-scooters are street legal in certain locations. Check with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles and city ordinances to see where they may be legally ridden.
Where Are Electric Scooters Banned?
Electric scooters are banned in some countries, cities, and jurisdictions due mostly to safety concerns regarding pedestrians and other vehicles. However, some countries have banned them because they threaten oil revenues due to their use of electric motors.
Countries / cities with electric scooter bans include:
- Germany – Electric scooters are banned from Google Street view.
- Belgium – Must have 12 inch LCD displays with a cookie consent warning at each street corner.
- France – Each full charge of an electric scooter must include donation to Notre Dame Cathedral restoration.
- City of Milwaukee (US) – Bird scooters are banned due to congestion during festivals.
- City of San Francisco (US) – Banned, then allowed them with laws after complaints from residents about sidewalk riding.
- City of San Diego (US) – Banned from the boardwalk, and additional restrictions put in place.
- City of Atlanta (US) – Nighttime ban on electric scooters due to safety concerns.
Not all locations have bans or tight restrictions on electric scooters. Make sure to check with your Department of Motor Vehicles and city government or traffic control for any laws regarding electric scooters.
Electric Scooter IP Rating
An Electric scooter’s IP Rating is an important marker for a scooter’s capability to withstand the natural elements. “IP” stands for “international protection” or “ingress protection”. The first digit in the code covers the scooter’s protection from debris, while the second digit refers to its protection from water. An “X” may be in either position, and it means that no data had yet been collected.
The electric scooter’s IP rating makes a big difference when the e-scooter is ridden in wet or rough environments.
Electric Scooter IP Ratings go as follows:
IP Rating | Roadway / Pathway Conditions |
None | Water resistance is possible, but not advised to ride through puddles or rain. |
IPX4 | Light rain, wet ground, minor fog or mist. |
IPX5 | Constant light rain, puddles. |
IP34 | Allowable on roads with dust, rocks, wetness, light infrequent rain, mist, or fog. |
IP54 | Minimal off-roading, wet ground, light rain, some mist or fog. |
IP55 | Minimal off-roading, puddles, light rain. |
IP65 | Allowed for all-terrain riding, puddles, light rain. |
IP67 | Allowed for all-terrain riding, heavy rain, water and puddle immersion. |
IPX4 Rating – Does It Allow for Off-Roading?
IPX4 rating means the electric scooter was tested for water resistance, but not for dust resistance. It is possible the scooter can handle dirt and debris, but the rider should use caution when going off road.
UL Certified Electric Scooters
UL standards and certifications are recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as the accredited binational standards regarding electric scooter safety.
UL standards are also referred to by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) when analysing product safety risks. Specifically, the CPSC refers to UL 2272 as the electrical system safety standard for electric scooters.
ANSI/CAN/UL 2272 Standard for Electrical Systems for Personal E-Mobility Devices details:
- An extended list of nonroadworthy e-scooter products for single riders.
- Fire-related electric scooter safety issues
- Compliance guidelines for e-scooter manufacturers
It is recommended to only purchase an electric scooter with the UL certification on its label or packaging. However, it is up to the rider to handle the e-scooter safely. Outside of the U.S. and Canada, governments have been called on to comply with UL 2272 with regards to electric scooters.
Electric Scooter Range
How far an electric scooter can travel depends on many factors, including:
- Rider’s weight
- E-scooter model
- Battery size and charge level
- Weather and terrain, hot or cold temperatures
- Power train
- Engine power rating
- Engine controller
- Riding speed
- Airless tires
Manufacturers of electric scooters have a declared set of conditions regarding range, which assume:
- Adult weighing 165 lbs (or 75kg)
- Cruising speed of around 12 miles per hour (20 km per hour)
- Wind no more than 6.5 foot per second (2 meters per second)
- Flat and dry terrain
The average electric scooter can travel between 5 and 25 miles on a full charge. This is more than enough for many city commuters who work near their apartments.
Since electric scooters are light and foldable, running out of battery will not stop you from getting to your destination. It just means you will have to pick it up and carry it the rest of the way. Besides, the charger is very light and can be taken with you to plug in at work if needed.
Some popular electric scooters and their travel ranges include:
- GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 12 miles
- Swagtron City Commuter Electric Scooter – 6 to 12 miles
- NANROBOT X4 – 35 miles
- USCOOTERS Booster Plus S+ – 21 miles
- Mile Intelligent Electric Scooter – 18.6 miles
The electric scooter with the longest range is the EMOVE Cruiser Dual, which can reach 62 miles when conditions are average.
Electric scooters with longer ranges will be more expensive, which is the one thing they have in common.
Electric Scooters Top Speed
The average electric scooter reaches a top speed between 15 to 25 mph, depending on the model. However, modified or special electric scooters can reach speeds of 40+ mph, even up to 100 mph!
Entry level electric scooters are not designed for such high speeds, and are limited to 15 mph.
Are Electric Scooters Legal On Sidewalks?
Can electric scooters be ridden on sidewalks? Even though the question is simple, the answer unfortunately is not.
Whether an electric scooter can ride on sidewalks depends on laws that vary from state to state, and city to city. Some cities do not allow scooters to ride on the sidewalks, while others allow it in some parts.
It is advised to check the Department of Motor Vehicles website in your state, as well as the city website for any laws or regulations covering electric scooters.
Is An Electric Scooter Considered A Motorized Vehicle?
Yes, electric scooters are considered motorized vehicles. The definition of a “vehicle” is any device that transports a person or property on a public highway while being propelled or powered by any means.
Electric scooters fall within this definition. They thus fall under traffic laws, and the rider is subject to fines and citations for improper use, just as with any other vehicle on public roads.
Can You Get A DUI On An Electric Scooter?
The answer to this question is a definate yes.
A vehicle is defined as any device which can transport a person or property on public highway using any means of power to propel them. This means an electric scooter is considered a vehicle, and thus falls under driving under the influence laws.
A rider can recieve a DUI if they ride an electric scooter while intoxicated with liquor, a controlled substance, marijuana, or an inhalant.
Can I Use An Electric Scooter On The Pavement?
Electric scooters are best suited for smoothe and hard surfaces such as pavement. However the law may not permit riding electric scooters on certain paved roads or bike paths in your area. Your local park may permit electric scooters in only certain areas, or they may be banned.
Check with your city website and DMV for any rules or regulations for e-scooter use.
How Do I Make My Electric Scooter Safe?
Unfortunately, electric scooters are limited in their ability to provide safety for the rider. There are no metal roll cages, plexiglass windsheilds, seatbelts, or airbags to protect you. So, most of the safety issues riders face are due to their own use of the e-scooter.
If the rider is riding too fast in a congested area, or trying tricks and jump, they could easily end up in an accident. Also, not wearing a helmet and pads can create added safety risks to electric scooter riders.
Should Kids Ride Electric Scooters?
Kids can ride electric scooters, however there is a high likelihood they will fall off at some point and get hurt. Kids can suffer the same injuries as adults if they get into an accident riding an e-scooter.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends any children under the age of 16 (age of driver’s license) should obstain from riding electric scooters. Children should also always wear a helmet and closed toe shoes. They should also turn off their smartphones and not wear earbuds or headphones while riding.
Electric Scooter Battery Life
Electric scooters have a general distance they can reach on one full charge cycle. This also depends on a number of other factors:
- How sufficiently charge it was prior to riding.
- The weight of the rider.
- Whether the battery was completely drained prior to charging.
- Riding on uneven or rugged terrains.
- Riding through water.
Electric scooters have batteries of 24V, 36V, and 48V in most models. The fastest e-scooters have batteries with high voltages, but running an electric scooter at slower speeds could increase battery life. Any one of the above conditions can affect how long the charge lasts.
Electric Scooter Battery Lifespan
Electric scooter batteries have a set limit on their lifespan. This can be extended or shortened depending on the quality of the battery and how well it is cared for.
How Long Do Electric Scooter Batteries Last?
Most electric scooter batteries will last between 2 and 3 years. However, a more precise way of measuring battery lifespan is through recharging cycles. The average electric scooter battery can charge 300-500 times, but much depends on the quality of the battery.
After a few hundred charging cycles, the battery’s performance will start to worsen. However, most batteries are not charged 100% every time, so the number of charging cycles can be increased.
Battery lifespan depends on a number of factors, including:
- Battery useage amount
- Battery brand
- Motor specifications
Most people also do not ride their scooter everyday, which will increase the battery lifespan. If they use their electric scooters all day, 7 days per week, the battery will probably only last 1 to 2 years.
Ways To Make Electric Scooter Batteries Safer
Do not completely drain an electric scooter battery. This will lead to it dying, perhaps while you are riding it. Also, do not let your scooter sit without charging the battery. This will also lead to it dying, and will take longer to charge.
Do not overcharge the battery. This could result in it catching fire or exploding. And avoid getting the battery wet. This can lead to a short circuit or it becoming damaged.
How Fast Do e100 Electric Scooters Go?
e100 electric scooters can go up to 10 mph. These are great for young people and adults who want some speed but not too much. This lower speed helps make the battery last longer. e100 electric scooters can last up to 40 minutes on a single charge.
Types Of Electric Scooters
Electric scooters come in several different forms. These include:
- Electric Kick Scooter
- Self-balancing Electric Scooter
- Electric Moped
Electric kick scooters are what this article is referring to. They include 2 wheels, a handlebar, and deck for standing. They can be foldable which makes them convenient and easy to carry. Electric kick scooters can be either 2 or 3 wheel designs. They also come in adult and children versions.
Adult electric kick scooters can be foldable, off-road, or have fat tires.
Self-balancing electric scooters include:
- Unicycles
- Segways (self-balancing personal transporters)
- Hoverboards
Electric Scooters For Kids
Electric scooters for kids are usually slower in speed and have less range. They are also not designed for use on ordinary public roads or highways.
Do I Need A License For An Electric Scooter?
Electric scooters can be classified as motor vehicles, and as such they must comply with laws pertaining to travel on roads and highways. However, not all states in the U.S. requires a rider to have a drivers license to ride one.
In California, e-scooter riders must have atleast a learner’s permit and also wear a helmet at all times. In NYC, riders do not need a drivers license but must wear a helmet if under the age of 18.
Even though you do not need a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter within most cities and states, there are some general rules you must follow, including:
- The rider must wear a helmet if they are under the age of 16 (or 18).
- Riders below the age of 16 cannot ride on public roads
- E-scooters cannot be ridden on bikepaths or sidewalks due to their higher speeds, in some jurisdictions.
- Electric scooters are allowed on street pavement if their speed can reach 30 mph.
- An electric scooter with a top speed of 30 mph requires a valid driver’s license.
- Any vehicle registration for an electric scooter must be renewed annually.
Electric scooter riders should first check with their city and state Department of Motor Vehicles and Traffic Control for any additional regulations.
Electric Scooter Battery Sizes
Electric scooter batteries come in a range of sizes and capacities. For these to work, they must be compatible with the model and brand of scooter a rider is using. Sizes and strengths of electric scooter batteries include:
Capacity and Voltage
12 Volt, 4, 4.5, & 5 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 10 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 7 & 7.5 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 12 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 8 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 17, 18, 20, 22 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 9 Ah/Amp hour
12 Volt, 26 through 135 Ah/Amp hour
Battery Dimensions
3-1/2″ long x 2-3/4″ wide x 3-15/16″ high
6″ long x 3-7/8″ wide x 3-3/4″ high
5-7/8″ long x 2-1/2″ wide x 4-5/16″ high
7-1/8″ long x 3″ wide x 6-5/8″ high
6″ long x 2-1/2″ wide x 3-5/8″ high
How Long Does It Take To Charge An Electric Scooter
Each manufacturer will have different battery charging requirements. Generally, electric scooter batteries will take 6-12 hours to reach a full charge.
Can An Electric Scooter Catch On Fire?
Yes, and electric scooter can catch on fire for various reasons. This can result in severe injury or death for the owner or even their neighbors when the building catches fire.
Nearly any device or machine powered by electricity can catch fire, so there is no way to eliminate the fire risk of electric scooters. The chance of a fire increases when e-scooter owners do not take necessary precautions.
Electric Scooter Fire
Reasons why an electric scooter catches on fire include:
- Poor manufacturing of components
- Faulty batteries
- Overcharging
Many electric scooters have been recalled due to their increased risk of starting fires. These are mostly due to the risk of battery failure from Lithium ion batteries which are very common in devices in people’s homes. Users often leave them plugged into chargers for extended periods. This presents a greater risk for the batteries igniting or even exploding.
Why E-scooter Lithium Ion Batteries Start Fires
Lithium ion batteries found in electric scooters contain flammable electrolytes which become unstable when the battery is punctured, overcharged, short circuited, or poorly manufactured.
A lithium ion battery acts much like a nuclear weapon, in that cells can hit “thermal runaway” which causes other adjacent battery cells to also overheat and rupture. This is what leads to fires flaring up from electric scooters.
Why Do Electric Scooters Explode?
Electric scooters don’t actually explode in most cases. The explosion, if one occurs is usually due to the battery bursting when overcharged or from sustained damages.
An electric scooter battery exploding is a serious danger to anyone nearby, as well as the building it is in, which can also be damaged or catch on fire.
Do Electric Scooters Catch On Fire?
Electric scooters have been known to catch on fire, however this is most likely due to the lithium ion battery igniting, and not the scooter itself. The scooter may have faulty wiring which could spark a fire, but this is less common than the battery being responsible.
An electric scooter caused fire can cause major damage to the building and to the lives of the occupants.
Do Electric Scooters Use Lithium Batteries?
Yes, electric scooters use Lithium Ion batteries which are rechargeable.
Can You Ride Electric Scooters At Night?
Yes, you can ride electric scooters at night. However, it is best to have front headlights attached and to wear reflective clothing so other drivers and pedestrians can see you.
If you can, try to only ride an electric scooter during the day. Even with a front lamp, you may not be able to see all objects, animals, or people crossing in front of you.
In general, your electric scooter should have the following night time safety items:
- Main front lamps
- Brake lights
- Turn Signals
- Reflective tape or stickers
- LED strips
Front headlamps can be controlled on the main dashboard or through a mobile app if the scooter comes with one. It is also recommended to have a lamp attached to your helmet to help light your way.
How Far Can An Electric Scooter Go On A Full Charge?
Electric scooters can go quite far on a full charge. But this also depends on the model of scooter that it is.
Most electric scooters can go 15-20 miles on a full charge. Others can go much longer, in the 40-60 mile range. However, most riders do not fully charge their batteries, so the scooter may not go its full range on a charge.
The longest range electric scooters can reach 60 or even 80 miles before needing recharging. However, they are more expensive than other models.
Electric Scooter Recall
Some brands of electric scooters have been recalled due to increased fire risk. These are often due to manufacturing defects causing battery issues.
Segway Ninebots were recalled in 2018 because of reports they were catching fire. There were problems with welding that cause the battery to short circuit. Very few actually caught fire, but it was enough to cause a recall of thousands of Ninebots.
Electric Scooter Battery Won’t Charge
An electric scooter battery is the primary source of power for your scooter and if it does not hold a charge can render the scooter un-rideable. But what happens when the electric scooter battery won’t charge?
There are several reasons why an electric scooter battery won’t charge, including:
- It has not been charged for a long time and has slowly drained its energy and become defective.
- The charger is faulty
- The electric scooter is damaged and cannot use the battery power
- The battery has a leak
One way to test if the battery is damaged, is to plug it into another electric scooter you own. If it works on the other electric scooter, than it is not a battery issue but a problem with your e-scooter. Inspect all the wires on the charger, scooter, and battery pack for any frays or breaks. At any point, a wire issue can prevent a battery from charging or working.
When checking the battery charger, to the LED light should glow green when the battery is charged, which shows the charger is functioning properly.
Dead Electric Scooter Battery
An electric scooter battery can die if it is left un-charged for too long. This can even happen if the electric scooter was left in the warehouse for a long time before being sold.
Electric scooter batteries also have a limited useful life, and continuing to charge it and use it after will that result in it not working. There are a set number of charging cycles that a battery can go through before wearing out.
The battery charger itself could be at fault, however, so make sure to purchase a good quality one and make sure it works properly.
Electric Scooter Battery Replacement
An electric scooter battery will lose lifespan if it is fully discharged before charging again. So, it is not recommended to ride the scooter until the battery is empty. If you need to, purchase a spare battery and have it charged and handy to swap out.
When the electric scooter battery is completely dead, it should be taken to a recycling plant if possible. Lithium ion batteries contain toxic chemicals and should not be placed in a landfill. When they are ready to be discarded, place them in battery recycling bins and not your ordinary trash. As these batteries become more popular, recycling services will become more available.
Can Electric Scooters Be Used In The Rain?
Yes, electric scooters can be ridden in the rain, but this is not recommended. What matters is the electric scooter’s IP rating. Most electric scooters are rated for light rain, mist, fog, and even puddles. However, submerging them in water, or riding them in heavy rain will cause them damage.
It is not recommended to store electric scooters outdoors, as they can become wet.
Electric scooters have components that are water resistant and are designed to operate is slippery conditions, to an extent. So, if you are caught riding one when rain starts, you should be able to ride it to your home or apartment before it gets damaged.
Are Electric Scooters Legal In NYC?
While some states and cities allow electric scooters to ride freely, others do not. Since August, 2020, NYC allows the operation of electric scooters on some streets and highways.
Electric scooters can only be operated on streets with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or less. Electric scooters cannot be ridden on sidewalks unless explicitly allowe by local law. Different municipalities within NYC can further regulate electric scooters.
Why Electric Scooters Are Bad
Electric scooters are not necessarily bad, especially when they are functioning properly and ridden safely. However they can cause serious injuries to the rider and pedestrians nearby. This is why electric scooters are considered bad by many people, including parents of children, and even cities and states which have passed laws banning them or limiting their use.
Are Children’s Electric Scooters Legal?
Children can ride electric scooters legally on private propery in any state. However, on public roads, sidewalks, or parks, children cannot ride e-scooters that exceed 15 miles per hour. There is also an age limit, which is 16 years old in most places.
Electric Scooter Battery Manufacturers
Electric scooter batteries are manufactured by many different companies. These include:
- Hiboy
- Segway
- Banma Tech
- GoTrax
- Razor
Electric Scooter Battery Problems
Electric scooters can have some battery problems. These usually have to do with the charger, or the battery itself not working properly. Another reason the battery is not working is due to a wire breakage somewhere on the battery or scooter.
To make sure it is not a wire issue, inspect all components for any disconnects, melted wires, or frays.
To test the battery charger, plug it into the wall outlet and look for either a red or green light. If the light is red, the battery is not fully charged. If it is green, the battery is charged and ready for use. If there is no light on the charger, then the charger could be broken and needs replacement.
There could also be a loose wire or faulty connector between the charger and battery pack, or the charger wall plug, or a burned out fuse in the charger.
If the battery never reaches a full charge (the light does not turn green), it could be worn out and need replacing.
Xiaomi Electric Scooter Battery Life
Xiaomi electric scooters have batteries that last 300-500 charge cycles. There will be a noticeable drop in battery strength around 200-300 charge cycles.
Xioami batteries can last up to 9 kilometers on a full charge, but are more likely to reach only about 6 km before decreasing in range.
However, the range of a Xiaomi electric scooter depends on which model is used.
What Is The Minimum Age To Ride An Electric Scooter?
The minimum age for riding a full-sized electric scooter for public roads, sidewalks, and bikeway is 16 years old, with a helmet, and with a driver’s license or permit. However, electric scooters can be ridden on private property at any age.
Electric scooters that do not exceed 15 miles per hour are best for children under the age of 17 to ride. These are allowed on residential streets that have a speed limit of 35 mph.
Is It Mandatory To Wear A Helmet When Riding An Electric Scooter?
If an electric scooter is ridden on private property, it is not mandatory to wear a helmet, although it is recommended.
Each country, state, and city has its own laws and regulations regarding helmet wearing, and is not universal.
Some places require helmet useage, whereas others leave it up to the rider’s discretion.
Electric scooters can reach speeds of 25 mph or more, and falling off one or colliding with another person or object can cause serious head injuries. Therefore, it is a good idea to where a helmet at all times when riding an electric scooter, even if it comes at the cost of looking unfashionable.
In Closing
Electric scooters do have safety risks whenever they are ridden. That is why it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and wear the proper PPE, especially a helmet. With enough practice and caution, an electric scooter can be fun and safe to ride.