Honda EM5000SX Generator Error Codes & Fixes

The Honda EM5000SX generator is both reliable and mobile. However, it is not without its occasional faults, including:

Error – Engine Fails to Start


The engine may fail to start if it is low on fuel or oil, the spark plug is bad, or the fuel is unable to reach the carburetor. The oil sensor in the engine may be bad. The carburetor could be too dirty to function properly and need to be cleaned.


Add oil and refill the fuel tank. The carburetor cup will need to be cleaned with carburetor cleaner to remove the sediment. Remove and clean the idle speed screw, pilot, or low-speed jet. Fuel should flow from the drain when the engine switch is turned on. Check the spark plug and replace it if needed.

Error – No AC Output Electricity


The AC output port will not work if the AC circuit breaker is in the “Off” position. It may also not work if there are any defects in the electrical system of the unit.


Turn the AC circuit breaker to the “On” position and make sure there are no other electrical system faults. If there is another defect, take the generator to an authorized Honda generator dealer.

Error – The Auto-Throttle Does Not Work


The auto-throttle will not work and appear as the throttle running full at times, and not enough at others.


Check the genset for power production. Make sure the current is flowing through the idle control. This will require using a voltmeter to check the volts flowing at the receptacle. If this issue is too difficult to resolve, contact a Honda Customer service agent.

Error – The 240V Outlet Does Not Work


This can appear when the outlet is switched to the 120/240 switch and the circuit breaker trips. This engine will start to become sluggish as if the unit is under heavy load.


Reset the unit and try the outlet again. If the problem persists, contact an authorized Honda servicing center.

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Nick Klamecki, Author
About Nick Klamecki, Author

Nick Klamecki is a certified Fire and Workplace Safety expert with 15 years experience in product research and testing. He has a degree from U.C. Davis, is an active outdoorsman and spent years ensuring the safety of special needs children. Nick researches and tests workplace, industrial and safety products and provides advice on their safe use. Learn more about Nick here or connect with him on LinkedIn | Medium