Briggs & Stratton 5750 Watt Portable Generator Error Codes & Fixes

The Briggs & Stratton 5750-watt portable generator can handle just about any appliance and device you need to run in remote locations. However, some common problems can happen that require fixing, including:

Error – Loss of Generator Power


The generator can lose power for several reasons. The coolant levels may be low or the battery may be dead. The generator could also simply be out of fuel.


Check the battery charge and recharge it if needed. Refill the fuel tank and/or coolant levels if they are low.

Error – Generator Shuts Down or Keeps Dying


The generator could keep dying due to several reasons. The voltage regulator may be defective, not allowing enough energy to reach the battery, leading to drainage. The generator alternator may be faulty affecting the energy flow.


While the engine is running, the voltage regulator sends the proper amount of voltage from the alternator to the battery to keep the battery charged. If the voltage regulator is defective, the battery won’t receive enough voltage, causing the battery to drain quickly. Also, test the alternator for continuity with a multimeter if other solutions fail. If the alternator is faulty, repair or replace it.

Error – The Generator Has a Gas Leak


A gas leak can occur if the carburetor bowl gasket is damaged or dried out.


The carburetor bowl gasket on the bottom of the carburetor might be dried out or missing. If the leak is coming from the bottom of the carburetor, try replacing the carburetor bowl gasket. However, a fuel line may have a leak and need replacement. The fuel tank itself may also be damaged and need repair. The fuel primer bulb may also have a leak and need to be replaced.

Error – Generator Fails to Start


The generator will not start due to a number of causes. The spark plug could be worn out or damaged and need to be replaced. It is possible that the carburetor is clogged with old sticky fuel. The ignition that feeds the spark plug with voltage could be damaged or defective causing the generator to fail to start.


The spark plug may be defective and using a spark plug tester can help you find out. If the spark plug makes no spark, it needs to be replaced. The porcelain insulator of the spark plug or electrode may also be damaged, requiring replacement.

If the carburetor is clogged, clean it with a carburetor cleaner. If this still does not help, consider replacing the carburetor. Also, the ignition coil may be faulty, but the spark plug will show signs of failure for this to be the case. Test the ignition coil before replacing it.

Error – Generator Won’t Stay Running


A clogged carburetor can cause this due to old sticky fuel clogging up the jets and ports. This often happens when old fuel is left in the engine.


The way to fix this is to remove the old fuel and clean the carburetor with a carburetor cleaner.

Error – The Generator Runs Rough


The generator will run rough usually when the carburetor is clogged by old fuel and debris.


Remove the old fuel from the machine and clean the carburetor with a carburetor cleaner. The carburetor may need to be replaced if this does not fix the problem.

Not all generator problems are presented above. If any other appear, contact the Briggs & Stratton Customer Service Center.

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Nick Klamecki, Author
About Nick Klamecki, Author

Nick Klamecki is a certified Fire and Workplace Safety expert with 15 years experience in product research and testing. He has a degree from U.C. Davis, is an active outdoorsman and spent years ensuring the safety of special needs children. Nick researches and tests workplace, industrial and safety products and provides advice on their safe use. Learn more about Nick here or connect with him on LinkedIn | Medium