What’s a Safe Distance to Keep Away From a Rattlesnake?

Rattlesnake safe distance

Getting too close to a rattlesnake you find in the wild is very dangerous. So, it is important to know how close is too close when being near a live rattlesnake. How Far Can a Rattlesnake Strike? The distance a rattlesnake can strike is set at a certain portion of its overall size. Most rattlesnakes … Read more

Best Snake Proof Fabrics

snake proof fabric

Special fabrics are what make snake-proof pants and snake gaiters capable of protecting the wearer from painful snake bites. But which snake-proof fabrics are best? We discuss the answer in this post. Why Use Snake Proof Fabrics? Each year, thousands of people around the world traverse the outdoors and are bitten by snakes. Most of … Read more

Can Rattlesnakes Bite Through Leather Boots?

Rattlesnakes bite through leather boots

Leather is a common material used in boots worn outdoors. However, they may not necessarily protect the wearer from rattlesnake bites. This depends on several factors. Leather Boots Give You Some Snake Bite Protection Leather boots, work boots or cowboy boots that are not specifically designed to be snake proof are not guaranteed to stop … Read more

Can Fire Extinguishers Kill Animals?

fire extinguisher kill animals

As fire extinguisher technology grows more sophisticated, fire safety for people and their homes has become easier. But what about fire safety for pets, like cats and dogs? One of the most common questions is if fire extinguishers pose any danger to animals. For more, keep reading. Can a Fire Extinguisher Kill a Dog? Not … Read more

Can Rattlesnakes Bite Through Rubber Boots?

Rattlesnake bit through rubber boots

If you wear rubber boots outside to do yardwork or brush clearing, you could find yourself bitten by an angry rattlesnake. This is why it is important to make sure rubber boots are rattlesnake bite proof. Read on to find out if your rubber boots will protect you in this situation. Rubber Boots – Rattlesnake … Read more

Are Mosquitos Attracted to UV Light?

Mosquitos UV Lights

As it turns out, mosquitoes use light to help them find their way around. They rely on the sun to help them navigate, and they’re also attracted to artificial light sources like lamps and candles. But are mosquitoes specifically attracted to UV light? Find out below. What are mosquitoes? Mosquitoes are small, fly-like insects that … Read more

Are LED Lights Good For Barns?

Led Lights Barns

If you’re considering outfitting your barn with LED lights, you might be wondering if they’re actually any good. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of LED lights to help you make a decision. Why LED lights are good for barns LED (light-emitting diode) technology has many advantages over traditional incandescent lighting, making … Read more

5 Ways To Scare Away Rattlesnakes

Scare Away A Rattlesnake

Rattlesnakes can be quite scary, and their venom can cause severe health problems. Fortunately, there are ways to scare them off when they appear in front of you. Here are 5 things you can do to keep yourself safe when you come across one. 1. Throw Rocks Or Sticks In Their Direction If you throw … Read more

How to Keep Rattlesnakes Out of Your Barn

There are many things that can cause a problem in a rural setting, one of which is snakes in barns. Barns are often places where rattlesnakes and other creatures can pose harm to you and your family members.  What Attracts Rattlesnakes to Barns? Snakes find and stay in places that will fulfill their needs, such … Read more

How to Build a Rattlesnake Proof Fence

Living in regions with rattlesnakes can pose serious threats to your kids and pets. This is why many people opt to build a rattlesnakes-proof fence around their property. This post will guide you on how to do this. Rattlesnake Fence Design A rattlesnake fence sometimes referred to as rattlesnake containment, or rattlesnake exclusion is a … Read more

How Do You Kill a Rattlesnake?

Most people do not know how to kill a rattlesnake if they had to. Most of the time this is not recommended as it is better just to move away from a rattlesnake and leave it alone. But sometimes you just cannot get to where you need to go without killing the little bugger. Situations … Read more

What To Do If You’re Bitten by a Rattlesnake?

A rattlesnake bite is a serious injury that needs immediate medical treatment. Most people are not prepared for such an event and this can lead to making the health complications worse. This post will help you understand what to do before the bite happens. Snake Bite Situations You can be bitten by a rattlesnake anytime … Read more

DIY Rattlesnake Bite Kit – What To Include?

If you are a hiker or anyone who enjoys the outdoors, being bitten by a rattlesnake is a small, but definite possibility. In these situations, its best to have an effective treatment option. This is where a DIY rattlesnake bite kit comes in. But what to include in it? Find out below. Creating Your Own … Read more

What Makes Rattlesnakes Bite You?

The threat of rattlesnakes to people who are active in the outdoors is real. If you ever come across a rattlesnake in the wild, it may try and bite you if certain events transpire. Why Do Rattlesnakes Bite People? Rattlesnakes bite people mostly out of self-defense when they feel threatened. Even pet rattlesnakes or ones … Read more

Do Rattlesnakes Like Water?

People sometimes run into rattlesnakes while hiking, fishing, gardening, or just walking through a park. But what if you are in or near a body of water, will there be rattlesnakes nearby? Do rattlesnakes like water? Read more to find out. Do Rattlesnakes Live Near Water? Rattlesnakes live in dens and venture out locally (within … Read more

Are Baby Rattlesnakes Dangerous?

Baby rattlesnakes are known for being more dangerous than adult rattlesnakes. But is this just a myth? This depends on a number of different factors which we discuss in this post. When Do Baby Rattlesnakes Come Out? Rattlesnakes are greatly influenced by the temperature and climate they live in. Generally, they are much more active … Read more

What Plants Keep Rattlesnakes Away?

Rattlesnakes that live nearby your garden or yard are likely to venture into your property searching for food and hiding spaces. So, how do you keep them away? Fortunately, there are some attractive plants that will help repel rattlesnakes. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata Mother-in-law’s Tongue, also called Snake Plant and has sharp leaves that … Read more

Removing a Rattlesnake Safely From Your Yard

If you have even a small yard, it can be exposed to rattlesnakes who may live nearby and slither onto it in search of food or cover. Finding one could mean accidentally stepping on it and risking being bitten. However, there are ways to remove it safely from your yard. Is It a Rattlesnake? You … Read more

Is It Safe To Keep a Rattlesnake as a Pet?

Many people are fond of keeping small and even large snakes as pets. These are often of the constrictor type, such as boas and pythons. But what about rattlesnakes? Keeping a rattlesnake as a pet brings some unique challenges, but there are solutions. Keeping Rattlesnakes as Pets Rattlesnakes can be kept as pets but this … Read more

How to Keep Rattlesnakes Out of Your Yard

If you recently moved to the country, or have lived there for many years, one reptile can be a real problem: rattlesnakes. If you do not know how to keep them out of your yard, you, your child, or your pet could be in for a nasty and painful surprise. Keep reading to find out … Read more

Can a Dead Rattlesnake Hurt You?

Like all living things, rattlesnakes do not live forever, and you may cross a dead one when you are out hiking or walking in parks or open spaces. Believe it or not, but dead rattlesnakes do pose a threat to anyone who manages to get too close. But how much can they actually hurt you? … Read more

Can Children Survive a Rattlesnake Bite?

Rattlesnake bites can cause serious health complications for anyone, and children are no exception. h rattlesnake venom. The only way to avoid this is to not be bitten in the first place and the only way to do that is to be vigilant and protect yourself and your child at all times. But if your … Read more

Can Dogs Survive a Rattlesnake Bite?

Rattlesnakes and dogs have been a long and uneasy relationship in the United States. This legacy has continued into modern times where rattlesnakes are often viewed with fear by both humans and their pets. How Often Are Dogs Bitten by Rattlesnakes? There is no central data source for statistics about the number of dogs bitten … Read more

What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Rattlesnake Bite?

Rattlesnakes, also known as pit vipers, are common throughout the Americas. When faced with threats, rattlesnakes will hide, if they can. If not, they will hiss and rattle their tail to try and scare possible predators away. Most rattlesnake bites to humans happen when they unintentionally step on one or get too close while hiking … Read more

What Are Snake Proof Pants?

If your work or hobby takes you outdoors, you could come across snakes hidden in grasses, brush, or under rocks. This is why snake-proof pants exist. Snake Pant Specifications Snake proof pants are designed to prevent snake fangs or teeth from penetrating through the fabric and into your skin. They are built to meet certain … Read more

10 Jobs That Require Snake Pants

Many jobs require venturing into areas where wildlife live. This can put workers into contact with dangerous animals such as venomous snakes. Fortunately, snake pants exist to protect them on the job. 10 Jobs Where You Need Snake Pants 1. Ranchers Ranchers who own and work on many acres of wide-open land will likely have … Read more

How To Avoid Snake Bites: 9 Foolproof Tips

Avoiding snake bites is not difficult. If you are prepared and follow these foolproof snake bite avoidance tips, then you should be safe in even the most snake-infested places. Here are 9 foolproof tips to follow: #1 Wear Snake Boots If you must work or hunt where snakes live, then a pair of snake boots … Read more