Hunting for bigfoot can be fun and exhilarating. However, there are some safety tips you should follow when heading out looking for the big harry guy.
Bigfoot Sighting! – What You Need To Know
Bigfoot Walking – How Do You Know Its a Bigfoot?
A bigfoot walking looks similar to a human being, but there are slight differences. A bigfoot walks with a gate that makes its footprints align in a straight line, one in front of the other. To do this, they swing one of their legs around the other while at the same time swaying their arms for balance. This body movement can enhance its speed.
However, how it moves depends on the type of bigfoot it is, and how fast it intends to get to its destination. This also changes based on the situation, such as if it is out in the open or moving behind trees.
The Bigfoot Mystery
Many so-called bigfoot sightings leave much to be desired because they provide very little clear evidence. If you spot a bigfoot, make sure not to do this. This could include taking well-focused pictures, videos, obtaining scraps of hair, or any other physical evidence you can find. Bigfoot was even investigated by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1976 and keeps a file on them to this day.
Getting Bigfoot Footage

Bigfoot Video
In the past, bigfoot hunters needed large expensive cameras to get good shots of bigfoot. Most of these videos and pictures were from ill-prepared hikers and hunters who only got quick pics and videos of bigfoot in bad lighting. These were grainy and out-of-focus images that left the viewer unsure if they were looking at an actual bigfoot and not just a man dressed as one.
Don’t be one of these guys.
You can use your cell phone camera to get a video of bigfoot, but this is not the most desired, even with a high resolution. The best type of camera to use is a professional grade sitting atop a tripod well-positioned for a clear shot.
Remember, a nice video of bigfoot or two on the move or doing their thang in the woods would be a crushing blow to the doubters and haters out there. It could actually change all of human history too.
Bigfoot Picture
The easiest and fastest way to get a snapshot of a bigfoot in the wild is to use your cellphone. However, bring an extra battery charger with you so your phone does not go dead right before you come across the hairy beast.
If you happen to find where a bigfoot hangs out regularly (possible, but not likely), you can stage a nice high res shot using a professional camera. This will put a lot of the doubters to rest when you tell them your story and it will command a high market value for news rags who will clammer to buy it.
Record Bigfoot’s Voice
If you can get a recording of the sounds bigfoot makes, that would be helpful also. Bigfoot makes a unique set of vocal sounds that sets them apart from other animals. This can include some form of verbal communication, howling, or grunting.
Bigfoot Evidence
Bigfoot Hair Samples
A bigfoot’s hair looks like fur that is brownish-black. The hair on its face is curly and unkempt and looks similar to human facial hair. There are likely to be some laying on the ground or attached to tree branches, so look for some in the area that you found bigfoot.
Bigfoot Footprints
Full-grown bigfoots can leave 5 toed prints anywhere from 12 – 24 inches in length and 3-8 inches in width. Small bigfoot prints will closely match a human’s, which makes them difficult to spot. Bigfoot footprints are often mistaken for bear prints, but bears usually leave claw marks, which bigfoot does not have.
Bigfoot Smell
Bigfoot is known to have a very bad smell associated with it. Why is this?
Like humans, bigfoot also releases odor through sweat, breathing, and any particles, dirt, or grime it contacts. A bigfoot could even have small amounts of feces attached to its hair.
This can create a skunk-like odor or one that reeks of sulfur. It could also smell like a wet dog or one that has not bathed in a long time.
Bigfoots also are thought to release an odor when they are scared, excited, or aroused during the mating process. A sasquatch may even be able to create an odor at will, similar to a skunk or octopus releasing spray or ink. Regardless, you will likely be able to smell the bigfoot if you come within 30 feet of distance.
Bigfoot Food – What Do They Eat?
Bigfoot is a very large and active creature that requires a good amount of nourishment to survive. This means eating lots of food when it can get it.
Also, because bigfoot is a wild creature that lives in the forest, its diet needs to be adaptable. They are most likely hunter-gatherer types that will feed on plant and animal meat. This means they may also hunt humans, so watch out!
Is Bigfoot Scary?
Is bigfoot scary? No doubt it is, but this does not necessarily mean you will be attacked or harmed by one. If you take the right precautions and keep your distance, they will leave you alone.
Bigfoot Expeditions – Maximize Your Safety
Bigfoot Quests
Going on a bigfoot quest or hunting for bigfoot is also called “Squatchin”. When doing so, never forget you are in their territory and they know all the secret escape routes and hazards to avoid.
Bigfoot Logistics
When hunting for bigfoot, you want to be prepared for any scenario. This includes bad weather, potential spider and snakebites, getting lost, accidents, running out of food, etc.
Bigfoot expeditions are the same as any long outdoors expedition. It is best to be over-prepared and to consider all possible scenarios that could put you at risk.
Best Bigfooting Survival Food Packs
ReadyWise Freeze-Dried Backpacking & Camping Food
How To Find Bigfoot
Tracking Bigfoot
If you have ever gone hunting and tracked a wild animal, then you will certainly be able to track a bigfoot.
Signs Of Bigfoot
There are specific signs to look for, such as:
- Footprints
- Loose hair
- Animal carcasses
- Broken branches
- Other markings
- Possible rudimentary tools
The bigfoot may have passed through the area and left evidence which you can find if you look closely enough. It also requires you and your group to stay as quiet and patient as possible and not make too much of a disturbance.
Bigfoot Apps
Each day, new apps appear in online marketplaces that provide users with easy access to valuable information. You may be able to find a Bigfoot App that will help you find or track one on your next hunting expedition.
Attacked By Bigfoot

If you are attacked by bigfoot, you are at a severe disadvantage. They are bigger and stronger than you and will be skilled at handling prey. Your best bet is to just try and run away.
Bigfoot Safety Gear
Since bigfoot is a large and dangerous creature, it is best to wear the best bigfoot safety gear. This includes sturdy boots, thick pants, gloves, even safety glasses, and a helmet. You cannot go overboard when preparing for contacting a bigfoot. Just remember, don’t let your safety gear slow you down because you may need to move fast.
Capture Bigfoot – Can It Be Done?
It is quite possible to capture a bigfoot, or even trap one in a place that allows you to get a good picture or video. This can be done in a number of ways:
- Using tranquilizer darts
- Special Bigfoot traps
- Bear traps
- Large nets
- Using bait
However, there is no current evidence that traps work for capturing a bigfoot. Bigfoot are large, strong ape-like creatures that can fight and break human-made structures. However, if you do manage to do this, make sure to get a good high-quality video of the event.
Bigfoot is Dead – Now What?
If you find a dead bigfoot, well, it’s not as good as a live one, but it will do. Just move quickly to get the evidence as decay will set in and the body will decompose. A dead bigfoot couldn’t possibly smell worse than a live one, could it? It might.
Just make sure it is not on Halloween and Doug who likes to dress up like bigfoot had a little too much to drink and pass out. He will not take kindly to you holding up his limp body for pictures with your friends.
Best Bigfoot Bait
If you can get hold of a good bigfoot bait, this could help you trap one or at least lure one in to take a good video. Best bigfoot baits include:
- Deer carcass
- Cooked bacon
- Hamburger patties
- Fresh fruits, such as cantaloupe or watermelon
- Twinkies or donuts
- Hog Bait
Remember, Bigfoot needs to eat just like humans and likes a tasty and filling meal.
Bigfoot Expedition – Safety First!
Bigfoot’s Friends
Bigfoots are not known to have many friends, but there is not much evidence about this. So, you are likely only going to find a solitary bigfoot wandering through the woods. If there is more than one, it is likely the bigfoot’s family members.
Anyhow, if you get captured by a bigfoot that has full-grown friends (not likely), and he calls them over, boy you are in for a world of hurt. You will hear husky loud laughter from the others while one or two of them is crushing your bones. It will be a painful and degrading death.
Finding Bigfoot: Top Bigfoot Sighting Locations
Bigfoot in Texas
The landscape of texas is not very well suited to bigfoot. It is hot, and mostly flat. The more hilly and mountainous regions in west texas may provide cover for one.
However, no bigfoots have been spotted in Texas. People in Texas also like their guns and outdoor vehicles which scare bigfoot. If you were bigfoot, would you want to hang out in Texas?
Bigfoot in Montana
Montana is prime bigfoot territory, but grizzly bears are common there which means finding footprints may be difficult. Also, grizzlies and Bigfoot may tangle if they run into one another, so they want to keep their distance. However, since the human population is low, and wildlife is abundant in the mountainous areas, Montana is a great place to look for bigfoot.
Bigfoot in California
California has it all, beaches, deserts, farmland, and snow-capped mountains. This is why the California flag has a grizzly bear on it. Well, make way for bigfoot, dude. Your best bet is to look east and north in the mountainous areas of the state. If you do, you are only a hop-skip and a jump from Hollywood where you can sell your photos and vids for some hefty cash, and a nice dose of fame.
Bigfoot in New York
New York has some nice bigfoot expedition areas. The northern and western mountainous areas are rich in forests and not congested with humans. However, it may be a bit too cold for bigfoot in the wintertime. Bigfoot doesn’t like densely populated areas, so you will not find him in New York City. This is too bad because he or she could definitely give The Naked Cowboy a run for his money.
Bigfoot in Oregon
Oregon is perfect for Bigfoot. It is in the Pacific Northwest which is known for having many bigfoot sightings. This is because of the semi-warm and wet weather along with having lots of trees and wildlife. It is also not heavily populated with humans, so Bigfoot finds this region very well-suited to its shy nature.
Bigfoot in Colorado
Like Montana, Colorado is known to have a few bigfoots here and there. However, the Colorado Rockies might not be the most ideal for bigfoot as it has high altitude peaks and a limited amount of trees in some areas. If you do hunt for bigfoot here, head for the western side of the state.
Bigfoot in Utah
Utah has some great bigfoot sighting areas. Like Colorado, it shares the Rocky Mountain range and has many low populated areas. Your best bet is to look in the eastern side of the state and other mountainous areas.
Bigfoot in Oklahoma
You wouldn’t think it, but Oklahoma is actually rich in bigfoot history. This state seems to have the right stuff when it comes to bigfoot habitat. It has flat and dry plains, mountains, and even subtropical rainforests. The state’s varied mountain ranges include:
- Arbuckle Mountains
- Wichita Mountains
- Ozark Mountains
- Ouachita Mountains
These ranges, along with the variety of ecological regions the state provides give bigfoot room to roam and hunt.
Bigfoot Bounty
In 2021, the state of Oklahoma officially offered $2.1 million USD for the live capture of a Bigfoot. Along with this, Oklahoma has also announced legislation for a bigfoot hunting season.
Bigfoot in Washington
Washington state is very habitable to bigfoot, especially in the vicinity of the cascade mountains.
Bigfoot in Idaho
Similar to other regions in the northwest of the U.S., Idaho has habitats suitable to bigfoot. These areas are more in the northern parts of the state in the Salmon River Mountains and the Bitterroot Range.
Bigfoot in Minnesota
Surprisingly, there have been dozens of reports of Bigfoot sightings throughout Minnesota in recent years. The best places to look are in the northern parts of the state.
Bigfoot in West Virginia
West Virginia has some good bigfoot sighting areas, which are situated in the region of the Appalachian Range. The locals in Sutton have even started holding their own annual Bigfoot Festival in 2021.
Bigfoot in Canada
Canada is definitely on Bigfoot’s list of best places to make a home. It has few people, lots of mountains and open spaces, and is rich in wildlife. Canada might just be in Bigfoot’s heart and soul, eh.
Staying Safe In Bigfoot Country
Bigfoot country can be dangerous, which is why safety is key. Besides bigfoot, there are other predators who live in these parts, such as bobcats, rattlesnakes, spiders, and coyotes.
Bigfoot Organisations
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO)
Elk Mound Bigfoot Research Center