How Many kW for a Whole Home Generator for Different House Sizes?

A standby generator is a great way to ensure that your home has power in the event of an outage. But how do you know how many kilowatts (kW) you need to power your entire house? The answer depends on the size of your house and the number of appliances inside.

How do I convert watts to kilowatts?

To convert watts to kilowatts, multiply the wattage by 1,000. Select a generator output 20 to 25 percent greater than the peak load when selecting. For example, if the total expected wattage is about 22 kilowatts, choose a 27 kW generator.

How many kilowatts does it take to power a house?

US home utility customers will use an average of 893 kWh of power per month in 2020, a total of 10,715 kWh each year.

Will a 30 kW generator run my house?

A 20kw generator is insufficient for the average home’s power requirements, which range from 25 to 40 kilowatts. Most American homes need between 30 and 50 kilowatts of electricity to meet their most basic electrical requirements. Your home’s power supply has to be protected by at least a 30 kW generator if the grid goes down

How much is a 30 kW generator?

Power generators from 15kW to 30kW are available for between $3,500 and $12,500.

How big is a 15 kW generator?

A 15 kW diesel generator is in these dimensions: Height – 31 inches, Width – 30 inches, and Length – 46 inches.

Is 10 kW enough to run a house?

Yes, a 10kW generator or solar panel system can cover the typical American household’s annual power use of 10,715 kWh. But your home’s energy requirements may differ substantially from those of the typical American family.

Will a 12 kW generator run my house?

Even while a 10kW – 12kW home standby generator may not be able to power your whole house, it will be able to handle “the necessities,” such as well pumps, appliances, and a bit more in the case of a power loss.

Related Questions and Answers

What will a 10 kW generator power?

Generators ranging from 1 kW to 10 kW may power homes and small businesses. Five kilowatts is enough to run four lights, a fan, an electric motor, and a fridge. Small dwellings may get by with a generator of this rudimentary caliber. However, the optimum generator for a residence should have a capacity of at least 10 kW.

What will a 7.5 kW generator run?

For the most part, a 7500-watt generator can power most domestic appliances, including your refrigerator, hot water heater (well pump), freezer (light bulb), and oven (oven).

What is the best way to size a standby generator?

This video should help:

How much will a 7.5 kW generator power?

Due to its tiny size, this generator can power up to eight circuits in your house at once.

How much can a 60 kW generator power?

A 60kW standby generator can provide 60,000 continuous watts of electricity, while on natural gas, it may deliver 55,000 continuous watts.

What will a 6.5 kW generator run?

Generators of this size are capable of running a wide range of domestic equipment, including refrigerators and television sets.


The size of your house and the number and types of appliances inside will determine which size whole home generator you need. Fortunately, there are many sizes of generators to choose from on the market today.

The “what size generator do I need for a 1,500 square foot house?” is a question that has been asked many times. There is no one answer to this question, but there are some guidelines that can help you find the right size.

NEXT UP: How Often Should I Start My Standby Generator?

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Leon Ashcraft
About Leon Ashcraft

Leon Ashcraft is a Safety Instructor and consultant in Colorado with focus on OSHA, environmental health and safety, transportation safety, oil & gas, rescue operations and construction safety. Learn more about Leon here or connect with him on Twitter | LinkedIn | Medium