Are Protective Trousers Good for Cutting Brush and Thorns?

If you have worked outside or in the garden around thorns or dried brush, you may have considered or tried wearing protective trousers Do they actually work against sharp thorns and such? We have the answer below.


In general, protective trousers are a good idea if you are working in an environment where you are likely to come into contact with sharp objects. This includes dry brush and thorns. They can provide a barrier between your skin and the objects you are cutting, which can help reduce the risk of cuts and scrapes. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing protective trousers, however.

What are protective trousers?

Protective trousers are a type of clothing worn to protect the legs from injury. They are often made of thick, durable materials such as denim or Kevlar. Protective trousers may also be equipped with pads or other features to further reduce the risk of injury.

Some people wear protective trousers while working in occupations that involve exposure to sharp or abrasive objects, such as construction workers, landscapers, and mechanics. Others may wear them while participating in activities that carry a risk of leg injuries, such as hiking or cycling.

Protective trousers can help prevent cuts, scrapes, and other injuries to the legs. They may also provide some protection against more serious injuries, such as punctures and lacerations. However, it is important to note that protective clothing is not always 100% effective at preventing injuries.

Why wear protective trousers when cutting brush and thorns?

There are many reasons why you might want to wear protective trousers when cutting brush and thorns. The most obvious reason is to protect your legs from being cut by the brush or thorns. But there are other reasons as well.

Wearing protective trousers can help you stay cool in hot weather and stay warm in cold weather. They can also help you stay dry in wet weather. Protective trousers can also help you avoid staining your clothes with sap or getting scratches on your legs from the brush and thorns. So, if you’re doing any work in an area where there is brush and thorns, it’s a good idea to wear protective trousers.

What are the benefits of wearing protective trousers?

When you are working in your garden or doing any outdoor activity that involves brush or thorns, you need to be protected from these potential hazards. Wearing the right clothing can help protect you from cuts and scrapes, and even more serious injuries.

Protective trousers are made from materials that are designed to resist tearing and puncturing. They often have reinforced areas at the knees, seat, and lower legs to provide additional protection. Some trousers also have a waterproof coating to keep you dry if you are working in wet conditions.

Are there any drawbacks to wearing protective trousers?

While protective trousers offer many advantages, there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of before making a purchase. One potential downside is that these trousers can be quite hot to wear, especially in summer months or in climates with high temperatures. Another consideration is that the fabric of the trousers can sometimes impede your range of motion, making it difficult to bend or kneel down.

How to choose the right pair of protective trousers

When choosing protective clothing, it is important to select an option that is comfortable and does not restrict movement.

Some factors to consider when choosing protective trousers include:

  • The type of material they are made from. Heavy-duty materials, such as Kevlar or canvas, provide the highest level of protection but may be more expensive and/or less comfortable than lighter-weight materials.
  • The level of coverage they provide. Some trousers only cover the front of the legs, while others extend all the way down to the ankles or even the feet. Choose trousers that will provide adequate coverage for the area you will be working in.
  • The fit. Protective trousers should fit snugly but comfortably around your waist and legs. They should not be so loose that they could catch on something or so tight that they restrict your movement.
  • The price. Protective clothing can be expensive, so it is important to compare prices before making a purchase. However, remember that cheaper does not always mean better – it is important to find a balance between price and quality when choosing protective clothing.

The material should be breathable to prevent overheating. It is also important to consider the climate and terrain where the clothing will be worn. For example, thick, heavy materials may be appropriate for cold weather but could cause problems in hot weather.

Also, be sure to select a pair of trousers that offer the right level of protection for the job you will be doing; if you will be doing a lot of heavy-duty work, for example, you may need a heavier-duty pair of trousers than someone who is only doing light work.


If you are considering purchasing protective trousers, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if they are right for you. In most cases, the benefits of wearing protective clothing outweigh the drawbacks, but it is still important to be aware of both before making a decision.

NEXT UP: What Are Protective Trousers Made Of?

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Jack Harrison
About Jack Harrison

JT Harrison is an expert Survival Instructor, focused on wilderness and urban survival techniques. He focuses on survival, prepping, food, water, shelter and other essential steps individuals and families can take to live for long periods outdoors, or in crisis situations. JT has been trekking and climbing for 20+ years in some of the harshest environments in the world. Learn more about JT here or connect with him on Twitter