Can You Run a Diesel Generator In Your Garage?

It may seem convenient to run a diesel generator in your garage, but this presents some potentially dangerous situations. If you’re considering installing a diesel generator in your garage, there are a few things you need to take into account.

Can I run my generator in the garage?

Carbon monoxide, an odorless and colorless gas, is present in the generator’s exhaust and may be lethal. Use the generator only in open areas. It is permitted to operate a generator in an open area in a garage to keep it out of the winter elements, but only if the garage door is left entirely open for ventilation.

Can you run a diesel generator inside?

It’s never a good idea to run a generator indoors. Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is abundant in the exhaust from backup generators, whether they’re portable or fixed. Place the generators in a secluded area away from any buildings.

Can you run a portable generator in a detached garage?

You should not use a generator in an enclosed area, whether it is a garage or a shed. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a gas or electric generator; both emit dangerous carbon monoxide, which may kill quickly.

Can I run my generator in my shed?

The generator should not be used inside at all. Running your portable generator inside is never a good idea. Running a portable generator in your house, garage, or shed can kill you, even if you utilize fans or exhaust systems.

Can I run a propane generator in my garage?

A propane generator emits carbon monoxide, a very hazardous gas, and running one in your garage is not an option. Between 2005 and 2017, more than 900 individuals died from CO poisoning from generators, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Related Questions and Answers

Can you put a standby generator in the garage?

Portable generators provide a safety risk. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning and death, portable generators should not be used in enclosed areas, whether in a house, a garage, or a shed.

Can you run a generator inside your house?

Running a generator inside or partially enclosed, such as a garage, is never a good idea. It is only safe to use outside and away from windows, doors, ventilation systems, crawl spaces, and other places where lethal exhaust gas might build up.

Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator?

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas produced by portable generators (CO). CO is a deadly gas that has no smell or color and kills instantly. Many individuals die and many more suffer from this disease each year.

How much does it cost to keep a diesel generator running?

This video has the answers:

Can you put an exhaust kit on a generator?

It’s possible that a generator exhaust extension is necessary, depending on where you’re going to put your generator. Generator exhaust extension kits are available, or you may buy the components separately. The exhaust will be relocated to a well-ventilated location as a safety precaution.

Can you cover a generator with a tarp?

The quickest and most cost-effective way to shield your generator from the elements is to build a canopy over it. With poles, a simple tarp may be hoisted over the generator (do not allow it to contact the generator).

How do I protect my portable generator from the weather?

It is possible to operate a backup generator even while it is raining thanks to a built-in rain cover. Carbon monoxide emissions from portable generators necessitate that they are used outside. Use a well-ventilated canopy, tent, or even a handmade cover to protect your generator from rain and other weather conditions.

Can a propane generator run indoors?

Propane generators for indoor usage are readily accessible, and the fuel creates no carbon monoxide at all; only carbon dioxide and water are produced.

Do diesel generators put out carbon monoxide?

Even though diesel fuel combustion engines create lower levels of carbon monoxide (CO) than gasoline engines, these emissions might reach fatal ambient concentrations if left in a confined place for an extended period of time under the right climatic circumstances.

How do I keep my generator from running in the rain?

A portable generator’s operating instructions caution against using it in the rain. The Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests using it on a dry area beneath an open canopy as a precautionary measure.

Can a generator be outside in the rain?

Inclement weather shouldn’t be when you power up your generator since electricity and water might produce shocks. Instead, construct a permanent generator cover or use a temporary wet weather cover to keep the lights on.

Do you need to cover a generator in the rain?

It is necessary to protect a generator from rain by covering or enclosing it. The generator requires sufficient ventilation to avoid overheating and the production of carbon monoxide. Since not every covering or enclosure will suffice, be selective with your purchase. This device must also be placed on a dry, level surface.

How hot is a generator exhaust?

According to the amount and kind of fuel burnt in your generator, the exhaust may reach temperatures of up to 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is it better to store a generator with or without gas?

When storing your generator for an extended period of time, it’s best to remove the fuel tank completely. Your car may use the gas if you choose not to run your generator to the point of exhaustion for the purpose of wasting gasoline. The gasoline used in most generators is the same as that used in automobiles: normal, unleaded.


Running your diesel generator in your garage is not recommended for specific safety reasons. However, a garage is a great place to store a diesel generator before using it outside at a later date.

The “can you run a generator on a porch” is a question that has been asked before. The answer is yes, but it depends on the size of the generator and the electrical outlet.

NEXT UP: Can I Install My Own Standby Generator?

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James Sylvester
About James Sylvester

James S. Sylvester is an experienced OSHA Safety Supervisor with years of experience in the construction and oil & gas industries. He focuses on workplace safety, occupational health and safety systems. Learn more about James' here or connect with him on Twitter