Cut-resistant gloves are very good at protecting the hands from abrasions and cuts. This is why many employers require them for their workers, especially in dirty jobs like cutting wood or operating heavy machinery. So, which jobs require cut-resistant gloves? Find out below.
#1 Auto Mechanic
Auto mechanics work with power tools and hand tools, some of which are heavy and difficult to hold onto. Especially when greasy or otherwise covered in moisture or grime. The forces and pressures needed to take off nuts, bolts, and other engine parts can cause the mechanic to lose their grip. This can lead to their hands smashing into the engine block, crankshaft or other protruding parts on the car. This is why auto mechanics often wear cut-resistant gloves to keep their hands protected so they can keep working safely.
Recommended Cut Resistant Auto Mechanics Gloves
HexArmor – Mechanic’s Style Safety Work Gloves, Chrome Series
Mechanix Wear – Tactical Specialty Grip Work Gloves – Ideal for Dry, Slick/Oily, Wet Conditions
#2 Lumbermill Worker
Lumber mill workers handle dangerous logs, boards, and wood particles and splinters on a daily basis. The cutting saws in lumbermills are also extremely dangerous and require training and safety measures to handle and be near. Along with hard hats, breathing masks, and other PPE, lumber mill workers also wear work gloves on a day-to-day basis. Cut-resistant gloves are ideal for this work because they protect workers from cuts and splinters that can result from working with lumber cutting machines.
#3 Oil Or Gas Rig Worker
Oil and gas rigs are highly dangerous sites and cause a significant number of injuries to workers each year. Some include injuries to the hands due to the extremely heavy equipment and high intensity of the work. Slips and falls can happen at any time when handling the equipment and tools under a rapid time schedule. So, cut resistant gloves are great for oil and gas rig workers to keep their hands protected. The gloves also need to be able to be resistant to chemicals, moisture, and grime due to the fluids involved and the types of weather conditions they work in including high heat.
#4 Miners
Coal miners, gold miners, pit miners, high wall miners, diamond miners, you name it, all miners face injuries to their hands either from direct impact from slipped tools, rocks, debris, or from heavy operating equipment. Mining is a very dangerous occupation so any additional PPE that a miner can wear to stay protected is helpful.
#5 Carpenter
Carpenters work with wood and power tools on a daily basis that can lead to cuts and splinters. Even the most experienced carpenters have accidents from time to time, so wearing cut-resistant gloves can keep them protected while they work on their craft.

#6 Furniture Maker
Like carpenters, furniture makers work with power tools, hammers, mallets, chisels and knives. Any of these tools can injure the hands and cause deep cuts. Cut-resistant gloves are great to have in the furniture maker’s shop when they need them while working on dangerous tasks. This allows them to focus on their craft and make beautiful furniture for their clients.
#7 Machinist
Machinists work with tools that can easily hurt the hands, either by cuts, punctures, or lacerations. These include:
- Lathe
- Milling Machine
- Wrenches
- Screwdrivers
- Deburring wheel
- Grinding wheel
- Belt Sander
- Automatic Center Punch
Wearing cut resistant gloves in some form are required to operate these machines. Even the most skilled machinists can have bad days that could lead to accidents. So, the more safety the better.
#8 Chef
Jobs that are great for wearing cut-resistant gloves do not necessarily require them, per say. For example, chefs may work with knives cutting meat and seafood on a regular basis, but many either do not wear gloves at all or only wear latex gloves to prevent their hands from becoming grimy or affected by germs. Sushi chefs especially need to have the dexterity to delicately mold and shape the rolls. Cut-resistant gloves may be too stiff and inflexible to do this.
Many chefs do not want to wear cut-resistant gloves, but their employer may require it. The same goes for cooks and banquet preparers.
#9 Butcher
Butchers work with large and small knives, bone saws, etc lookup. These can all cause serious hand injuries, even lost fingers. If the hands are cut, any resulting blood loss can also stain the meat and make it unsafe for eating. So, employers often require their butchers to wear cut-resistant gloves. This is especially true in large meat cutting and packing plants where safety is a key component in day-to-day operations.
#10 Farmer
Farmers and farm workers work directly with fruits and vegetable plants and trees. To get the food off the vine requires both gripping just with the fingers and hands but also using special farming knives, scissors, and clippers. In large farming operations, workers will often be required to wear cut resistant gloves to keep safety to a maximum as a slip and cut to the hands can happen at anytime. Canning workers or those that work in fruits and vegetable processing plants also may be required to wear cut resistant gloves if any cutting is involved in the production process.
#11 Tree Trimmers
Ladder climbing professional tree trimmers are required to wear cut resistant gloves due to work with clippers, handsaws, and chainsaws. Either the trees themselves or the tools they use can cut their hands so wearing cut-resistant gloves while they work is beneficial. Doing so can also allow them to focus on their task and keep their balance when high up in a tree.
#12 Banquet Prepper
Prepping for large banquets requires fast cutting of meats, fish, and vegetables so these workers often wear cut-resistant gloves to keep their hands safe. Similar to other food processing jobs, a cut hand can result in the food becoming contaminated and therefore unedible. Injured banquet workers can also lengthen the prep time and possibly cause the banquet to be delayed.
#13 Grillmasters
Grillmasters who love to do BBQ for friends, family, and social events are well-suited for wearing cut-resistant gloves. Similar to chefs, grillmasters work with knives, large forks, tongs, food scissors, and mallets to make their briskets. No grillmaster wants to be cut and slow down or even ruin their favorite BBQ meal.
#14 Police Officers
It is no secret that police work can be dangerous work. When faced with apprehending criminals that may have knives or other sharp objects on them, police can be cut on the hands or lower arms. Cut-resistant gloves can protect them in the line of duty. Police today also often wear latex medical gloves to keep germs from spreading when handling suspects. Cut-resistant gloves are especially useful during riots, protests, or demonstrations.
To Conclude
Workers who get injured or possibly experience an accident can result in them losing time from work. This has become such a serious problem in today’s economy that many employers will provide PPE, including cut-resistant gloves for their employees. However, sometimes workers need to provide their own cut-resistant gloves for themselves, especially in dirty jobs and industries where they may have to look out for themselves.