Does a Fire Escape Ladder Work for Balcony Railings?

fire escape ladder on balcony railing

Unpredictable and intimidating, house fires are a major health hazard. Have you ever wondered how many people lose their lives to home fires every day in the United States? According to research conducted by American Red Cross in 2018, seven people, on average, die in home fires every day, and a further 36 are injured … Read more

DIY Fire Escape Ladder – How to Build Your Own

A fire escape ladder is a vital piece of equipment if you have to get out of a burning building. For homeowners, the presence of a fire escape ladder can mean the difference between life or death for your family. In this article we provide instructions on how to make your own fire escape ladder. … Read more

How To Install a Fire Escape Ladder?

Every house should have two ways out in case of a fire. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that every home have a fire escape. Fire escape ladders are safe and easy to install in homes.  In the blog post, we will walk you through the steps required to install a fire escape ladder.  … Read more

How Much Weight Can a Fire Escape Ladder Hold?

Every building, be it residential or commercial, should have a fire escape ladder. It ensures safety for you, your loved ones, and your colleagues in case of an emergency. There are always chances of a fire breaking out, and these ladders serve as the perfect getaway if it does. People are often scared of using … Read more

How Many Fire Escape Ladders Do You Need?

It goes without saying that your home is your safe haven. But comfort and safety of your home can be quickly destroyed in the event of a fire. This is precisely why you need to equip your home with fire escape ladders and protect yourself and your loved ones. In this article we discuss how … Read more