How To Make a Homemade Hazmat Suit

Homemade HAZMAT suit

If you live in a remote area with chemicals stored nearby, you might require access to a hazmat suit to handle them safely. So what do you do if you cannot have one shipped to you? Can you make one? Find out below. Can You Make a Hazmat Suit? Yes, you can make a homemade … Read more

Best Snake Proof Fabrics

snake proof fabric

Special fabrics are what make snake-proof pants and snake gaiters capable of protecting the wearer from painful snake bites. But which snake-proof fabrics are best? We discuss the answer in this post. Why Use Snake Proof Fabrics? Each year, thousands of people around the world traverse the outdoors and are bitten by snakes. Most of … Read more

Hazmat Suit Colors Explained

HAZMAT suit colors explained

Hazmat suits come in a variety of colors and color combinations. Which one you use may depend on a number of factors. Find out more in this post. Hazmat Suit Colors Typically hazmat suits are available in the following colors: Certain jobs require specific hazmat suit colors. For instance, firefighters wear different suits with medical … Read more

Are Safety Vests Required by OSHA?

Safey vests required by OSHA?

Wearing a safety vest during dangerous working conditions is highly recommended for everyone involved. But are safety vests required by OSHA? Find out in this article. OSHA Safety Vest Requirements United States Department of Labor and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) have specific rules and regulations requiring workers to wear safety vests depending on … Read more

Can Rattlesnakes Bite Through Rubber Boots?

Rattlesnake bit through rubber boots

If you wear rubber boots outside to do yardwork or brush clearing, you could find yourself bitten by an angry rattlesnake. This is why it is important to make sure rubber boots are rattlesnake bite proof. Read on to find out if your rubber boots will protect you in this situation. Rubber Boots – Rattlesnake … Read more

Protective Electrician Trousers – Key Design Features

Protective Electrician Trousers

If you work in the electrical trade, then you know that a good pair of protective electrician trousers is essential. But what makes a good pair of electrician trousers? Here are some key design features to look for: Protective electrician trousers – an overview Electricians work in a range of environments and conditions, so it’s … Read more

OSHA Requirements for Protective Trousers

Protective Trousers OSHA

Are you looking for information on OSHA’s requirements for protective trousers? In this article, we’ll discuss what OSHA requires for protective trousers, as well as some of the benefits of wearing them. We’ll also provide some tips on how to choose the right pair of protective trousers for your needs. So whether you’re a construction … Read more

Protective Trousers for Arborists – Features To Look For

Protective Trousers For Arborists

When you’re working with trees, you need to be prepared for anything. That’s why it’s important to have a good pair of protective trousers for arborists. Here are some of the features to look for when choosing a pair of trousers. What are protective trousers for arborists? Protective trousers for arborists, also known as chainsaw … Read more

Are Protective Trousers Good for Cutting Brush and Thorns?

Protective Trousers Thorns

If you have worked outside or in the garden around thorns or dried brush, you may have considered or tried wearing protective trousers Do they actually work against sharp thorns and such? We have the answer below. Introduction In general, protective trousers are a good idea if you are working in an environment where you … Read more

Work Trousers vs. Motorcycle Pants – Which Protects Better?

Motorcycle Pants Work Trousers

Work trousers and motorcycle pants are both great choices for work. They are both comfortable and stylish. Work trousers are a great choice for those who want to be able to move around easily. But which protects better? Here is a quick and dirty guide to help you make the best decision for your needs. … Read more

Top 10 Chemical Splash Gear Manufacturers

Chemical Splash Gear Manufacturers

There are a lot of different companies out there that make chemical splash gear. But which are the best? Here is a list of the top 10 chemical splash gear manufacturers, according to us. Introduction Chemical splash gear is an important personal protective equipment (PPE) that workers need to protect themselves from harmful chemicals and … Read more

What Are Protective Trousers Made Of?

Protective Trousers Made Of

Let’s discuss one of the most important pieces of clothing that you can wear: protective trousers. No, not those boring old work pants that your dad wears – I’m talking about specialized protective trousers that will keep you safe and looking good at the same time. So, what are protective trousers made of? The answer … Read more

Chemical Splash Overalls vs. Jacket & Pants

Chemical Splash Overalls

Which is better for protecting you from chemicals: a splash overall or a jacket and pants? It’s a tough question, but we’ve got the answer. What are chemical splash overalls? Chemical splash overalls are a type of clothing worn to protect the body from coming into contact with harmful chemicals. They are made of a … Read more

Protective Trousers vs. Chainsaw Chaps – How Do They Stack Up?

Protective Trousers Chainsaw Chaps

Do you go for the reliable protection of trousers or a pair of beefy chainsaw chaps? Here we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of each type of legwear, to help you make the best decision for your next woodcutting expedition. Protective Trousers vs. Chainsaw Chaps – How Do They Stack Up? There … Read more

Features of Protective Work Trousers to Look For

Protective Trousers Features

When you’re on the job, you need to be comfortable and protected. But with all the different types of work trousers out there, how do you know which ones are right for you? Here’s a quick guide to the main features of protective work trousers to look for. Why you need protective work trousers If … Read more

What Are Chemical Splash Suits Made Of?

Chemical Splash Suits Made Of

So you’re wondering what those chemical splash suits are made of? Well, let me tell you: it’s a closely guarded secret. In fact, the manufacturers of these suits refuse to divulge the composition of the fabric, for fear that someone will reverse engineer it and create a cheaper knock-off. All we know is that it’s … Read more

How To Wash Chemical Splash Gear

Chemical Splash Suits Clean

Don’t let a little chemical splash ruin your day – or your clothes! Follow these easy steps to wash your chemical splash jacket and pants, and you’ll be back to looking good as new in no time. What are chemical splash jackets and pants? Chemical splash jackets and pants are made of a specialized material … Read more

What Does Chemical Splash Gear Protect Against?

Chemical Splash Suits Protect Against

We all know that chemical splash gear is important for protecting us from dangerous chemicals. But what does it actually protect against? Here’s a look at the surprising things that chemical splash gear can safeguard you from. What chemical splash gear is Chemical splash gear, also called a chemical Hazmat suit, is a type of … Read more

OSHA Requirements for Chemical Splash Gear

Chemical Splash Gear OSHA

If you work with chemicals, you know that proper safety gear is a must. But what does OSHA require when it comes to chemical splash gear? Read on to find out! What is chemical splash gear? Chemical splash gear is clothing that is designed to protect your skin and eyes from contact with hazardous chemicals. … Read more

Do Leg Sleeves Protect Against Thorns?

Leg Sleeves Thorns Protection

If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered whether or not the weird leg sleeves people wear actually do anything. Well, it turns out that they actually can protect against thorns and other sharp objects. What are leg sleeves? Leg sleeves are a type of clothing worn around the legs that offer protection against thorns, punctures, … Read more

Leg Guards for Welding & Metal Work

Welding Chaps

Looking for some serious leg protection while welding or working with metal? Look no further than welding leg guards. Made from tough, heat-resistant material, they’ll keep your legs safe from sparks, debris, and more. Plus, they’re comfortable to wear all day long. Why you need leg guards for welding and metal work If you work … Read more

ANSI Ratings for Chemical Splash Gear

Chemical Splash Gear

Choosing the right chemical splash pants and overalls can be a tough decision. But don’t worry. In this blog post, we’ll explain the different ANSI ratings and what they mean for you. So whether you’re looking for light, medium, or heavy-duty protection, we’ve got you covered. Overview of ANSI Ratings for Chemical Splash Pants & … Read more

Chaps vs. Leg Sleeves – Which Protect Better?

Chaps Vs Leg Sleeves

Chaps and leg sleeves are both types of protective gear that are worn by riders. They are designed to protect the legs from scrapes and scratches and to provide some warmth in cold weather. But which one is better? Find out below. The Benefits of Chaps Chaps provide more comprehensive coverage than leg sleeves, so … Read more

Are Compression Leg Sleeves Good for Work?

Compression Leg Sleeves Work

If you’re like most people, you probably think of compression leg sleeves as something athletes wear to improve their performance. But what you may not know is that compression leg sleeves can also be beneficial for people who work long hours on their feet. The benefits of compression leg sleeves for work Compression leg sleeves … Read more

Protective Leg Sleeves vs. Gaiters


Which is better for protecting your legs while hiking – gaiters or leg sleeves? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know the answer to this question. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll compare and contrast gaiters and leg sleeves, so you can decide which is right for … Read more

OSHA Requirements for Chainsaw Chaps

Chainsaw Chaps OSHA

Chainsaw chaps may not be the most glamorous of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), but they are essential for anyone who works with chainsaws. OSHA has requirements for chainsaw chaps, and this blog will help you understand what you need to know to stay safe on the job. What are chainsaw chaps? Chainsaw chaps, or logging … Read more

Chainsaw Chaps – Types & Designs

Chainsaw Chaps Types

In this article, we’ll be discussing the different types and designs of chainsaw chaps available, as well as discussing the best use for each. What are chainsaw chaps? Chainsaw chaps, also called saw pants, chainsaw protective pants, or forestry chaps, are a type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) designed to protect the legs from contact … Read more

5 Problems With Arc Flash Head Protection

Arc flash suits are very effective at protecting the wearer from arc flashes and keeping their heads and eyes safe. However, they are not perfect and there are some potential problems that you should be aware of. 1. Lacking Visibility Poor visibility is an issue with arc flash head protection. Since it covers the entire … Read more

7 Things Not To Do While Wearing A Hazmat Suit

Hazmat suits are very effective at what they do, but can easily become damaged if you do certain activities while wearing them. Here are 7 things you should not do while wearing a hazmat suit. 1. Smoke Cigarettes Hazmat suits are made of different materials, depending on their intended use. Some materials used in hazmat … Read more

6 Ways To Prevent Punctures To Your Hazmat Suit

Hazmat suits are special protective gear made to protect the wearer from serious injury from dangerous chemicals and particles. However, they can be punctured in certain circumstances if you are not careful. Here are six ways to prevent punctures to your hazmat suit: 1. Handle The Suit With Care When donning a hazmat suit, make … Read more

Hazmat Suits Vs. Biohazard Suits

Hazmat suits and biohazard suits both work to prevent the body from being harmed by biological or chemical dangers. But what are the differences between them? Find out below. What Is a Biohazard Suit? A biohazard suit is a specialized piece of clothing that is worn by individuals who are working in or around biological … Read more

Parts of a Hazmat Suit Explained

Hazmat suits are one-piece full-body suits that are designed to protect the body from dangerous chemicals and biological threats. But there is more to a hazmat suit than meets the eyes. Find out more below. Hazmat Suit Parts To fully don a hazmat suit, additional components may need to be worn to completely cover the … Read more

What Can Damage A Hazmat Suit?

Hazmat suits are designed to be sturdy and stand up to dangerous materials and chemicals that could penetrate the material. However, hazmat suits can be damaged under certain circumstances. So what can damage a hazmat suit? Find out below. What Can Damage A Hazmat Suit? #1. Sharp Objects Hazmat suits are made to be strong … Read more

Are Hazmat Suits Radiation Proof?

Nuclear radiation poses a serious health threat to anyone who gets close enough to it. Luckily, hazmat suits are designed to keep radiation out and protect those who wear them from its harmful effects. Or do they? Find out below. Types of Radiation Nuclear radiation (electron, proton, neutron beams) Solar radiation (UVA/UVB) Microwave Infrared Electron, … Read more

How to Dispose of a Hazmat Suit

Hazmat suits play an important role in keeping workers safe in dangerous environments. But what happens when the suit must be disposed of? Find out more below. Are Hazmat Suits Disposable? Yes, hazmat suits are disposable. However, this depends on the type of suit, how contaminated it is, and how it is disposed of. The … Read more

Are Hazmat Suits Reusable?

Hazmat suits are designed to protect workers from bacteria, diseases, and dangerous chemicals in the local environment. Whether a hazmat suit can be reused depends on certain factors. Find out more below. Factors That Determine Hazmat Suit Reusability Are hazmat suits reusable? The answer is yes and no. Some hazmat suits are reusable, while others … Read more

Are Hazmat Suits Washable?

Hazmat suits are very effective ppe when worn to protect the body from dangerous chemicals. However, in the course of wearing them, they can become contaminated. So, can you wash a hazmat suit? Find out in this post. Are Hazmat Suits Washable? Yes, hazmat suits are washable. However, they must be re-useable hazmat suits to … Read more

How Are Hazmat Suits Made?

Like all garments, hazmat suits go through a manufacturing process. However, being PPE, they must be able to perform at a minimum level to offer protection to the wearer in dangerous environments. This requires special steps to complete them. How Are Hazmat Suits Manufactured? Hazmat suit manufacturers produce hazmat suits upon receiving orders. First, material … Read more

How Are Hazmat Suits Tested?

Hazmat suits are a specialized form of PPE that protect the wearer from hazardous chemicals that can damage their health. But for them to be deamed effective, they must be tested by reputable industry agencies. Hazmat Suit Testing Prior to Shipment Before being shipped for sale to customers, hazmat suits must pass these tests, or … Read more

Arc Flash Suit Inspection Guide

Arc flash suits play a critical role in keeping electrical workers safe. To keep these suits working their best, they must be taken care of properly. Arc suit inspection is a key part of this process. Arc flash suits are a part of PPE that the workers working in such hazardous environments must wear to … Read more

Arc Flash Suit Ratings Guide

Arc flash suits exist to protect electrical workers from the extreme dangers of arc flashes while performing their jobs. Arc flash suit ratings are designed to provide information on the protective capabilities of different suits and the conditions they can be used in. These determine the required characteristics, performance, and materials used to design and … Read more

What Size Hazmat Suit Do I Need?

Hazardous waste sites are not one size fits all. With hazmat suits being reusable or disposable, proper hazmat suit measurements depend on the type of hazmat suit you are using. Hazmat Suit Size Charts Disposable Hazmat Suits Sizes Disposable hazmat suits are made to fit each person snugly, so it is important that individuals know … Read more

When Do Hazmat Suits Expire?

A hazmat suit is a piece of safety equipment worn by hazmat crews to avoid coming into contact with hazardous materials. The hazmat suit itself serves as an enclosure and the wearer breathes through an attached respirator. But when do hazmat suits expire? Find out below. Hazmat Suit Expiration Dates Here are some commonly used … Read more

How Hot Does It Get In a Hazmat Suit?

A hazmat suit is a piece of protective clothing designed to protect the body from hazardous materials. However, the internal heat can pose a comfort or health issue to wearer under certain circumstances. So, how hot does it get in hazmat suits? Find out below. Temperatures Inside a Hazmat Suit Hazmat suits can be very … Read more

How To Store a Hazmat Suit

Hazmat suits are light and effective safety garments that protect the wearer from dangerous chemicals. They are also easy to store. However, they must be done so in a way that prevents them from being damaged, which can compromise their effectiveness. How To Store Hazmat Suits Not all hazmat suits are the same, and some … Read more

Hazmat Suits Vs Tyvek Suits

Many people have heard of hazmat suits and Tyvek suits but do not know how they may be related. Both are specialized PPE that share common uses, along with certain differences. Find out more below. Is a Tyvek Suit a Hazmat Suit? Yes, a Tyvek suit is generally the same as a hazmat suit. However, … Read more

What To Wear Under a Hazmat Suit

A hazmat suit is designed to cover all or the majority of your body while you work. Your PPE may include a self-contained breathing apparatus, rubber gloves, booties, helmet with face shield and anti-contamination suit. With all these components layered over your body, it is important to wear the right clothing under your hazmat suit … Read more

What Tools Do Cut Resistant Gloves Protect Against?

There are many uses for cut-resistant gloves. They can be used to protect the hands from cutting hazards or to help perform difficult tasks with ease and comfort. Each job or task will use different types of tools to get the project complete, but can also cause hand injuries. So, what tools do cut-resistant gloves protect … Read more

Cut Resistant Glove Design Factors

Every year, there are new and improved cut-resistant gloves arrive on the market. The cut-resistant gloves of today are stronger, tougher, and have many cutting-edge features than in the past. Cut Resistant Gloves Are Designed for Certain Tasks Cut-resistant gloves come in both unique designs and ranked levels of performance. It is normal for most … Read more

How Long Do Cut Resistant Gloves Last?

The cut-resistant gloves of today can withstand many cuts and abrasions without tearing or ripping. The materials used today are much stronger than in the past. Many glove designs feature some advanced technology and protection properties. With all of these new features, just how long do cut-resistant gloves last? We discuss the answer here. How … Read more

14 Jobs That Require Cut Resistant Gloves

Cut-resistant gloves are very good at protecting the hands from abrasions and cuts. This is why many employers require them for their workers, especially in dirty jobs like cutting wood or operating heavy machinery.  So, which jobs require cut-resistant gloves? Find out below. #1 Auto Mechanic Auto mechanics work with power tools and hand tools, … Read more

12 Uses for Cut Resistant Gloves

There are many practical uses for cut-resistant gloves. These types of gloves can include coatings that are resistant to punctures, abrasions, or tearing but yet also offer excellent dexterity and durability. But what activities are ideal for wearing cut-resistant gloves? You can find out below. #1 Woodworking Woodworking includes building furniture or cabinets and the other … Read more

Materials Used in Cut Resistant Gloves

Cut-resistant gloves are specialized hand protection equipment designed to protect the hands from cuts, abrasions, and burns. These types of hand protection gloves have varying levels of abrasion resistance, sturdiness, tensile strength, and impact resistance. They come in a variety of materials, and we will cover them in this post. Cut Resistant Glove Materials Cut … Read more

When Should You Wear Cut Resistant Gloves?

The work glove is an essential part of keeping hands safe in all types of industries. Cut-resistant gloves are specially designed work gloves that are best worn during certain types of work activities and provide specific protection from cuts, abrasions, and impacts. So when should you wear cut-resistant gloves? Find out below. Tasks that Require … Read more

Cut Resistant Glove Protection Levels

Injuries due to cuts are common to those working in industries and trades that come into contact with sharp objects, materials or tools. This can lead to injuries that require medical attention such as scrapes, cuts, and lacerations. It is important to only use cut-resistant gloves that meet certain levels of protection for the dangers … Read more

Do Cut Resistant Gloves Work?

Hand protection is important to wear for workers in all industries, including construction, automotive, plumbing, and manufacturing. You might also think of wearing cut-resistant gloves to prevent serious cuts even at home on DIY tasks. But do they actually work? Find out below. How Cut Resistant Gloves Work Cut-resistant gloves are important to wear during … Read more

10 Jobs That Require Snake Pants

Many jobs require venturing into areas where wildlife live. This can put workers into contact with dangerous animals such as venomous snakes. Fortunately, snake pants exist to protect them on the job. 10 Jobs Where You Need Snake Pants 1. Ranchers Ranchers who own and work on many acres of wide-open land will likely have … Read more

What Are Snake Proof Pants?

If your work or hobby takes you outdoors, you could come across snakes hidden in grasses, brush, or under rocks. This is why snake-proof pants exist. Snake Pant Specifications Snake proof pants are designed to prevent snake fangs or teeth from penetrating through the fabric and into your skin. They are built to meet certain … Read more

Hard Hat Standards

Hard Hats are an important piece of safety equipment. They can be used by anyone, whether you work for a company or for an individual. These hard hats have helped millions of people to remain safe on the job, even if their main line of work does not include the use of hard hats. Although … Read more

Construction Helmet Color Coding Guide

The hard hats are one of the most important pieces of safety equipment that any company will have to buy for its employees. These hats are worn each day to prevent serious injuries from occurring on the job site.  When you are looking for the perfect hard hat, you need to take into account the … Read more

Safety Helmets vs. Hard Hats

The safety helmet is considered a protective device worn by workers to reduce the risk of sudden death or serious injury in case of an accident. There are various types of safety helmets available in the market and it depends on your work environment and the kind of jobs you do to decide what type … Read more

Hard Hats Vs. Bicycle Helmets

Bicycle helmets and hard hats both serve to protect the head from both minor and serious injuries. But are they really very similar? Find out in this post. What Is a Bicycle Helmet? A bicycle helmet is a kind of protective helmet specially designed to prevent head injuries in serious falls or impacts while riding … Read more

Types of Construction Helmets

When you look at the various types of construction helmets available today, what do you see? For starters, many are made out of the same materials, have the same colors, and come with similar components. However, each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Which one to use depends on certain factors related to the work … Read more

The Ultimate Arc Flash Suit Buying Guide

Work involving electricity is high-risk, and with every fault, there is a danger of arc flashes. This is why it is important that electrical technicians wear arc flash suits. In this buying guide we outline everything you need to choose the best arc flash suit, and why each step is critically important. An arc flash … Read more

What Is a Hazmat Suit?

Hazmat is the short acronym for “hazardous materials”. So a Hazmat suit is a Hazardous Materials Suit. A hazmat suit is a type of PPE – Personal Protective Equipment which is used by medics, doctors, disaster cleaners, nuclear inspectors, firefighters, drug enforcement, soldiers and many other professionals. A hazmat suit is full-body protective gear that … Read more

Arc Flash Suit Cleaning Guide

In this article we discuss how to clean an arc flash suit without damaging it or rendering the arc flash protection ineffective. Electrical workers wear arc flash suits daily when dealing with highly energized electrical equipment which can cause arc flash explosions. Keeping arc flash suits clean and well-maintained is important. If the suit is … Read more

High-Visibility Safety Vest Buying Guide

In this buying guide we discuss the detailed factors for choosing the right safety vest to protect yourself and your workers. If you work in an industry which poses physical risk, then your safety needs to be taken seriously. A protective high-visibility safety vest is important to keep workers as safe as possible. Also known … Read more

Jobs That Require a Safety Vest

This article discusses the different jobs that require a safety vest, and the applications where safety vests are essential. Jobs That Require a High-Visibility Safety Vest High-Visibility Safety Apparel (HVSA) is a type of high-visibility clothing that is a necessity in hazardous occupations. Workers employed in dangerous jobs are required to wear high-visibility safety clothing … Read more

How Hazmat Suits Work

Hazmat suits are whole-body protective clothing designed to safeguard the wearer from dangerous substances and materials such as gases, toxins, or chemical agents. In this article we explain how hazmat suits work. Hazmat is short for “hazardous material.” A hazmat suit is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) for professionals in many industrial and … Read more

How To Put On Boot Gaiters

Boot gaiters can keep snow, moisture, mud, and debris out of your boots when you hike in any season. They can also help keep your ankles warm when walking through heavy snow or in very cold weather. To ensure they work effectively, you need put on boot gaiters correctly. Here’s how: #1 Put On The … Read more

Types of Brush Pants

Brush pants are great to wear for walking through sagebrush, fallen tree branches, dried grasses, and thorns. But what types of brush pants are available and is there a pair for you? Find out below. There are different types of brush pants: Men’s and women’s brush pants Kid’s brush pants Brush pants with many (or … Read more

ANSI Safety Vest Visibility Standards Guide

What are the ANSI Visibility Classes for Safety Vests?  There are three main classifications of ANSI visibility Standards. The class of high-visibility safety vest you choose depends on the intended use of the vest. ANSI Class 1 Safety Vests Class 1 safety vests are ideal for wearers who work in locations other than a roadway … Read more

How Brush Pants Work

Hiking, hunting, or working in the outdoors means being at risk of injuries sustained from contact with certain elements. Brush pants work by preventing sharp objects and fluids from getting through your pants and touching your skin. What brush pants protect you from: Sticks Tree branches Dried brush Dried grasses Thorns Mud, dirt, and splashes … Read more

10 Uses for Brush Pants

Brush pants can give you protection from the elements both outdoors and indoors. They work by protecting the legs from scrapes, wetness, pokes, and punctures. Uses for Brush Pants #1 Hunting Hunting often means pursuing an animal or game through brush and other ground debris. The terrain can be varied and distances vast when on … Read more

Best Brush Pants For Hunting

Heading out hunting means crossing fields to get to a blind, a spot, or up a tree stand. Having the right bow or rifle is critical, but you also want to make sure that you’re dressed for success. Wearing brush pants can help to make your next hunt more successful and pain-free. Best Features of … Read more

Hazmat Suits & Accessories for Coronavirus Protection

You can protect yourself and your loved ones from contracting and spreading the Novel Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV or COVID-19) by wearing the right level of hazmat suit and accessories. We describe the protective personal equipment you need and some purchase options below. What You Need for Coronavirus Protection To fully protect yourself from infection or … Read more

What Are Boot Gaiters?

If you have ever gone hiking, mountaineering, snowshoeing, or just exploring the outdoors, you know how dirt, mud, and snow can get into your boots and cause discomfort. This is where boot gaiters can help. Why Use Boot Gaiters? Boot gaiters are a special type of clothing designed to protect the lower leg area from … Read more

When Should You Wear Brush Pants?

Some pieces of clothing are essential for exploring, hunting or working outdoors, and brush pants are one of the best examples. In this article we’ll take a look at when and why you should wear brush pants. When To Wear Brush Pants If you are a hunter, hiker, farmer or work outdoors and you walk … Read more

The Essential Hazmat Suit Buying Guide

In this article, we discuss the essential factors you need to consider when choosing the right hazmat suit. This information can save your life so choose wisely! For industrial and healthcare workers who come in contact with hazardous substances frequently, the job site can be as dangerous as a battlefield. A hazmat suit is an … Read more

HAZMAT Suit History

A Short History of the Hazmat Suit The hazmat suit has been around for over 500 years.  The first known full body coverage suit designed to protect the wearer from biological agents was developed in the 14th century.  lague doctors were given the dangerous task of entering people’s homes and confirming they were afflicted with … Read more

Types of Safety Vests

Safety vests, also known as reflective or hi-vis vests, are designed to increase the visibility of a worker in hazardous environments. Below we describe the types of safety vests available and what they’re best used for. Construction, firefighting, security, traffic control and other jobs expose workers to signficant risk from moving vehicles and equipment. Safety … Read more

Why Should You Wear a Safety Vest?

If you are involved in the construction industry, you must know how to handle your workers’ safety. Supplying high-visibility safety vests to all your workers is a mandatory step to protect them from danger. But aside from occupational safety requirements, why should you wear a safety vest? Safety vests provide high visibility to construction workers, … Read more

What is a High-Visibility Vest?

A high visibility vest is a safety garment worn by workers in dangerous environments for easy visual detection by others to avoid accidents. These vests are made with light fluorescent fabric in bright colors, with wide reflective stripes prominently running over it. To understand better as to what a high visibility vest is, we need … Read more

ANSI Class 2 vs. Class 3 Safety Vests

This article describes the detailed differences between ANSI class 2 vs. class 3 safety vests, and when each type of vest is required. When it comes to safety, you need to determine what types of safety vests comply with local and national government standards where your workers are operating. All ANSI (American National Safety Institute) … Read more

What Makes Hi-Vis Vests Reflective?

In this article we dive into what makes hi-vis vests reflective, including the types of reflective materials used, and their pros and cons. Hi-vis vests are made from reflective materials to reflect light coming from different sources. The three main materials used to make high visibility vests are flourescent materials, micro-prismatic tape and glass bead … Read more

ANSI Class 1 vs Class 2 Safety Vests

In this article we detail the differences between ANSI Class 1 vs. Class 2 safety vests, and the conditions when each must be worn. Reasons for Class 1 vs. Class 2 Safety Vests According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), every worker working in hazardous environments should wear a safety vest to curb … Read more

What Does Hi-Vis Mean?

Hi-vis clothing is commonly seen on highway and roadside construction sites. But what does “hi-vis” mean exactly? Read on to find out. What Does “Hi-Vis” Mean? Hi-vis is an abbreviation for high visibility. This clothing is designed to make workers highly visible from a distance beyond normal garments. They are made from fluorescent materials along … Read more

What Is a CDC Hazmat Suit?

CDC hazmat suits are encapsulating, highly specialized protective industrial garments worn in maximum containment or biocontainment laboratory facilities. CDC Hazmat Suit Levels Biohazards are biological or chemical substances dangerous to animals, humans or the environment. These substances are categorized into four safety levels ranging from BSL-4, which is the most dangerous, to BSL-1, the least … Read more

How To Use a Hazmat Suit: A Simple Guide

This simple guide discusses how to use a hazmat suit correctly, including putting it on, removing it, cleaning / decontamination, and disposal. A hazmat suit is a full body multipurpose protective garment that shields you from inhaling or coming into contact with hazardous chemicals, biological agents or radiation. Personnel must be specifically trained to wear … Read more

What Are OSHA’s Hazmat Suit Requirements?

What are OSHA’s hazmat suit requirements? We explain OSHA’s different requirement levels and what they are used for in this article. OSHA Hazmat Suit Requirements The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues rules and regulations for workers involved with Hazardous Materials or HAZMAT. Hazmat suits must comply with these OSHA requirements by law. OSHA’s … Read more

15 Jobs That Require HAZMAT Suits

In this article we discuss 15 jobs that require hazmat suits. The professionals in these jobs come into contact with highly dangerous substances regularly in their work. Nuclear Inspector Nuclear inspectors must wear specially designed radiation-resistant suits. In the event of a nuclear reactor accident or fuel spill, their hazmat suits must be Level A … Read more

What is an Arc Flash Suit?

Arc flash suits are personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect individuals working with and near live electrical equipment from dangerous arc flashes. Working in areas that have electrical circuits can pose a threat to the safety of employees. Sometimes workers need to deal with sophisticated electrical equipment that exposes them to arc flashes or … Read more

When Are Arc Flash Suits Required?

In this article we discuss the working conditions where arc flash suits are required. We also discuss the dangers of arc flashes and the required standards for arc flash suits to protect you from them. If you are looking to buy an arc flash suit check out our useful Arc Flash Suit Buying Guide. When … Read more

How To Choose An Arc Flash Suit

Sometimes electrical equipment has to be worked on while in operation. In such cases, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential, even for simple voltage testing or to test if a power line is energized. If you or your employees need to work with electrical equipment above certain thresholds, it is essential to wear arc flash … Read more

How Does An Arc Flash Suit Work?

Each hazardous work environment has its own safety risks requiring specific precautions and protective garments. Working with high-voltage electricity is perhaps the most dangerous. Arc flash suits are designed to protect the wearer from deadly arc flashes and explosions. But how does an arc flash suit work? Continue reading to find out. What Are Arc … Read more

How To Use An Arc Flash Suit

Electricity is an indispensable part of today’s modern world, but working with it comes with a number of risks and dangers. Anyone working with electricity or electrical equipment needs to take precautions to avoid serious injury or even death. Arc flash suits can protect workers from electricity-related injuries, specifically burns due to arc flashes. In … Read more